Tonight was our last youth club evening before the Easter half term break.
We decided to embrace Easter and indulged in preparing, making and most enjoyably.............eating giant chocolate Easter nests.
Everybody joined in and enjoyed themselves. It was a very easy thing to make. We melted chocolate, poured it over cornflakes and mixed everything until the cornflakes were covered in all the chocolate.

We poured the mixture into 2 round tins and attempted to make something that looked like a nest!!
We added mini eggs to the cakes and put them in the fridge to set for half an hour.
As it was our last night before half term, we used the evening as a general youth club evening and used the IT facilities, Art materials and pool and football table As well as operating our tuck shop.
Some young people took the opportunity to relax and watch some of the group make a bit of a mess with the cake making!!
On behalf of everyone at Rathbone, we would like to wish everybody a very happy Easter and we will back in 2 weeks time!
Happy Easter!