Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Christmas Decorations

As well as our usual youth club activities this evening the group were getting into the Christmas spirit by making Christmas decorations. 
Using our creativity and artistic flare we all made personalised decorations which will be used at our annual Christmas party.

We were all very pleased with our creations and we're now even more excited for Christmas than we were before! 

Friday, 21 November 2014

Squidz club

Tonight the group attended The Squidz Club which is for young people with learning disabilities (aged 10-25 years), their families and friends. It features young DJs, VJs and artists in a fun and friendly atmosphere.

There was a disco room where everyone could let their hair down and have a dance.

A games room for people to chill out and meet new people, all while playing their favourite video games.

There were arts and crafts too...

There was also relaxation space and a chance for people to take some time out, sit and chat in a quiet space or even get a massage..

Everyone had an amazing time!

Thursday, 20 November 2014

An evening at the Old Library

This evening the group spent the evening at The Old Library in West Norwood. The Old Library hosts a mainstream drop in youth club for young people in Lambeth. 

It was a great opportunity for the two youth clubs to integrate and get to know each other.

There was a chance to take part in a variety of different activities like table tennis, video games, reading, nail painting and needle work.

Everyone had a good time and we are hoping to make this a regular session. 

Saturday, 15 November 2014

November's Bowling Tornament

We started of the new term by having a bowling tournament. 

Competitors made their way to our local bowling alley, where they went head to head in the bowling battle to end all bowling battles!

Players limbered up before starting off the competition with some taking early leads whilst others tactically playing the slow game.

Thinking over strategies and game plans.

Competition was extremely fierce and everyone wanted to walk away with the trophy.

Regardless of who won everyone had a great time and enjoyed the competitiveness of the evening. The winner will be presented with the highly coveted trophy at our Christmas party in a few weeks.

October Half Term: A trip to the countryside

October half term was the perfect opportunity to have a little break in the beautiful setting of the Ashdown forest at the Hindleap Warren Outdoor Education Centre.

Hindleap Warren allows young people to take part in a wide variety of exciting activities and the chance to get out of the city and enjoy the space and freedom of the country.

The group learnt how to build shelters:

Everyone enjoyed spending time in the forest.

The group took part in some indoor activities such as indoor Archery:

The group also completed some more challenging activities such as the zip wire. A few of us were quite anxious about doing the zip wire, but with lots of support and encouragement from the group we managed it.
Climbing to the top..

...Preparing to jump!

Enjoying the view.

Overall everyone enjoyed their break in the country, we pushed ourselves to do every activity even if we didn't know what to expect. We all came away from our weekend at Hindleap with a great sense of accomplishment and a well needed confidence boost.

October Activities: Celebrating Black History Month

During October the Youth Club focused on celebrating Black History Month. 

We spent time discussing our different backgrounds and heritages in order to learn more about different cultures.

The group also did some cooking in order to learn more about different cultures:

The group really enjoyed being hands on and learning new skills:

The group really enjoyed making and eating curried chicken with rice and peas and fried plantain.

It was great to learn some new skills and learn to cook a meal that everyone loved. A massive thanks to the members of staff that helped with all the cooking and teaching of the young people.