Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Having our voices heard..

We are beginning the planning work for our summer programme here at the old library and of course we need the young peoples ideas.
To do this we asked everyone to think about the activities that challenge them..

To think about activities that would allow the young people to learn new skills...

And to think about what activities would create new opportunities for them...

From this exercise we got some great feeback and a whole host of different activities we will do our best to arrange for the summer programme. We will be sure to continue to involve our young people in the planning process to ensure they have a great summer full of all the things that they want to do.

Tuesday, 14 April 2015

Easter Holidays week 2, Part 2!

So once we had done all that climbing out on the sandstone our confidence had grown. So when our instructor said we were going to use their specially made climbing wall, we knew we were ready!

It was hard work but everyone gave it a go!

After we had conquered the climbing wall we went off site once again to a nearby reservoir to do some canoeing. Again it was a beautiful day and perfect conditions to be out on the water.

The canoeing was great fun as we raced each other and played battle ships! Even those who are scared of water gave the canoeing a go, showing that their confidence and resilience is growing!
The next day it was our last morning at hindleap so we had a morning of archery.

As you can see we had an exhausting but incredible week of activities. The young people were given the opportunity to push themselves and accomplish new things through being pushed way out of their comfort zone. They supported and encouraged each other and grew closer because of their experiences.

Monday, 13 April 2015

Easter holidays Week 2

In the second week of the Easter half term some of the young people took part in an activities and development programme at Hindleap Warren, an outdoor activity centre run by London Youth.

We began the week by doing an outdoor obstacle course and a forest walk to discover more about the Ashdown forest. Our instructor showed us ways of making fire using materials around us:

... And shared myths and stories about the forest...

We then went on to try out the zip wire:

First hurdle was climbing onto the platform and after that it was a case of mustering the courage to jump off.

The zip wire was so much fun and everyone supported each other to face their fears and enjoy the activity.

The next day we went out into the forest to do some rock climbing, it was a beautiful day in a picturesque setting. We all got our harnesses on and set up our safety ropes and we were off...

We all supported and encouaged each other to  accomplish new highs. 

Wednesday, 8 April 2015

Easter holidays week 1

Over the Easter break the youth club is open and here is a glimpse into the activities we put on in week 1:

Some high speed go-karting at oasis in Stockwell!

Some football with a professional coach at Crystal Palace:

Arts and crafts and learning to DJ at the Old Library:

The youth club had a full week of varied activities to keep the young people entertained throughout the holidays.