Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Banana Surgery and Desert Island Essentials

Tonight the group took part in some activities that focused on teamwork, communication, emotions and imagination.

The first game we played was called "Banana Surgery". The aim of the game was to peel a banana and cut the banana into 5 pieces. Once this was done, in pairs we were tasked with attempting to piece the banana back to as near to its original look as possible using only cocktail sticks, sticky tape, string and elastics bands.

The game was really fun, messy and enabled us to communicate with each other, share ideas and be creative. Below are the final efforts of the group.

This game was great for enabling us to recognise and appreciate that relationships, events and reputations can be easily broken, damaged or taken apart. However they are not always as easy to put back together. This game got us all thinking about ourselves and our relationships.

We finished the evening with a fun game based on the idea that we were all about to be dropped on a desert island. We all had to choose the 1 thing we thought would help us to survive on the island. There were some weird, wonderful and cleverly thought out ideas.

Once everybody had decided their 1 item and explained why they thought it would help us on the island, we then had a group vote to decide the 5 most wanted items we would take with us. 

Tonight we also said goodbye to one of our youth workers, Abigail. Abi has been an amazing member of the team and will be missed by everyone.

Next week is half term so there are no evening clubs. However we have 3 off site activites taking place- Go-Karting, Cinema trip and a trip to the national youth orchestra.

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